

Philanthropy - Corporate Social Responsibility

Years ago, while part of the initial core team at Sephora, I was asked to create the first philanthropic initiative for the company. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I took a deep dive in and soon discovered that touching peoples’ lives and hearts, often helping in ways that would change their journeys, was utterly transformative for me. From then on in my career, I always managed to add Philanthropy to my PR titles, as it became a passion I would never let go of.  That passion has continued to grow and morph into what I now do as a consultant. I’ve seen starving children eat their first meal in days, have visited third world countries where water and electricity are a luxury, and have witnessed poverty unlike anything imaginable.  And every time, I have been moved to do more.  There is nothing more fulfilling and empowering than knowing you have made an impact, however great or small. Finding this passion early on shaped so much of my life. Find a passion to follow, to blossom and to grow with. LEARN MORE